Fredagens outfit, hvor den stod på sommerfest på job , hvilket betød helikoptertur og spandevis af mojitos i selskab med Hoffotografen, kollegaer, samarbejdspartnere og flotte damer (Emilie og Ditte).
Og pænt træt om lørdagen.
Friday´s outfit which meant the annual summerparty at work. I went on a helicopterride and had loads of mojitos together with the Boyf, colleagues, work contacts and hot ladies (Emilie and Ditte).
Knit: H&M Trend, Skirt: T by Alexander Wang, Shoes: Givenchy
Mig i dag i ny nederdel fra T by Alexander Wang - et af årets bedste køb!
Den er perfekt på alle mulige leder og kanter.
Købte den i Gossip, der er begyndt at sælge T by Alexander Wang, og det er sågar billigere end hvis man skulle købe på nettet.
Endte også med 2 t-shirts. Ja, gik lidt amok, men havde lige solgt nogle sager på Trendsales, så tænkte at pengene skulle bruges klogt.
Og nåja, røg i lemmingefælden igen, og har også købt strikblusen fra H&M Trend med stenene på ærmerne. Så er det vist også slut med shopping i denne måned...
So this is me today wearing my new skirt from T by Alexander Wang - one of the best buys this year!
It perfect in every way.
I bought two t-shirts as well, which probably was a bit crazy but I´d just sold some stuff so it made sense to use the money on some quality items.
Oh yeah and the knit is new as well. It´s from H&M Trend.
Those Swedish brands....they got some serious tricks up their sleeves.
Just look at H&M and other special collections done by Lindex.
And now they do it again!
Missoni. Yes, you heard me, Missoni.
In 33 days the Swedish brand Lindex will launch a collection with Italian brand Missoni and by golly it´s nice. It´s made up of two themes: daytime and nighttime and then some styles for kids.
I really like the big cardigan with the larger zigzag pattern.
I don´t know the prices yet but perhaps somebody else have some info here?!
Har allerede shoppet den meget ombloggede uldsweater med stenene på ærmerne, og nu er ovenstående også bestilt. Bordeaux cap og navy jakke med peplum.
Jow tak siger jeg.
H&M Trend are doing everything right at the moment especially if you´re me.
I´ve already bought the very blogged woolsweater with the stones on the cuffs and the above items are also on their way to me. Burgundy cap and a navy jacket with peplum.