onsdag den 23. maj 2012


 Shirt: By Malene Birger, Shorts: Vila, 
Gladiator sandals: By Malene Birger
Watch: Michael Kors, Bracelets: Hermés, Mono & Me

 Doing my Dora the Explorer pose

Jep, shorts. Og ikke bare shorts, men hvide shorts. 
Til gengæld er de ca 9 år gamle, så det faktum at jeg stadig kan passe dem uden kvaler, gør det hele lidt mere end almindeligt fantastisk. 
Og hov, det er dagens outfit.

Yes, shorts. And not just shorts but white shorts. 
But if I tell you they´re like 9 years old and I can still fit into them without anay problems, that just makes them even more fantastic.
Oh and yes this is today´s outfit.

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